Your business is probably already going well, but you may typically need to rapidly expand your customer base, introduce a new product, or open another outlet. You have some really good staff members in place, but your business is struggling to reach its full potential. You are probably working too many hours a week, and the business would probably not be able to survive without your input. Working with a Personal Business Coach in 1-to-1 coaching would make a real difference to your lifestyle, and the value and the position of your business in the marketplace. This can also serve as a prelude to your exit strategy!
You understand that introducing systems and performance standards are the key to achieving what you want from your business in the future. You must be committed to change. We work on all areas of your business, but with 1-to-1 coaching, there is more demand to really perform and not let you get away with all those old habits that have been holding you and your business back.
It is also recommended as a good maintenance program for business owners that have completed one of the other one-to-one mentoring programs.
We offer several different levels of 1-to-1 coaching, please fill out the form below to discover the best personal business coach level for you and your business.